Best Seed Starter Kit for an Apartment

seed starter kit

Soon after spring begins, nursery shelves are lined with countless plants in various early growth stages, some are grown using the best seed starter kit for an apartment. Options range from edible plants like tomatoes, peppers, and herbs to not quite matured flowers and trees, each ready for transplanting. But, if you’ve ever walked by … Read more

Easily Create an Indoor Succulent Garden in Any Space

Succulents are some of the most popular indoor plant varieties for beginner and experienced gardeners alike. Despite the specific conditions that most succulents evolved in, they’re extremely adaptable to indoor life, drought-tolerant, and low maintenance. We will walkthrough how to overcome the challenges to make an indoor succulent garden. If you’ve ever wondered if you can … Read more

A Guide For The Best Indoor Apartment Plants For Beginners

Indoor gardening for beginners can be difficult. Many beginners typically ask the same questions when they start: Do I have enough light? What pots and soil do I use? Is my apartment too cold or hot? How often do I water my plants? No worries! We are here to help. This series is specifically for … Read more