Amazing Benefits Of An Indoor Wall Trellis For Your Apartment

What do you do when your desire to add more indoor potted plants outgrows the number of flat surfaces or ceiling hooks you have in your apartment? You install an indoor apartment trellis so that you can grow plants vertically, of course! 

So, let’s take down that dusty shelf and old picture frame, and let’s talk about what a trellis can add to your eco-friendly indoor garden, shall we?

Indoor apartment trellis

What is a Trellis?

A trellis is a framework of light wooden or metal bars used to support trees or climbing plants. They usually start out in a shape or pattern but organically morph into a beautiful array of vines, flowers, and decor over time.

A wall trellis can make the perfect solution for enhancing a small space for people with apartments. Fortunately, choosing the right trellis type is easier than ever because they come in many different designs, shapes, and purposes. 

Types of Trellises

Trellises now come in the shape of honeycombs, circles, zigzags, hearts, and pretty much anything else. 

But, if you’re looking for a more traditional type of trellis, here are some choices:

Diamond Trellis

Perhaps the most common type is the diamond trellis. It’s a great look, and it’s perfect for vines to naturally expand along.

Square Trellis

Instead of a diamond, the empty space of these trellises is square. These are also great for encouraging vines to climb and work well as a screen or room divider.

Lattice Trellis

A lattice pattern is when the pieces of the inner framework are interwoven. This pattern can make the empty spaces between the frame much smaller, adding more privacy or making the wall all but disappear.

Tartan Trellis

The frames are made from thinner material in a tartan trellis and form less-uniformed shapes. The look is a little more organic and the pattern less tidy than when the shapes are all the same size. 

What Trellises Are Made From

Traditionally, trellises were made from wood. But, now you can find them made from all kinds of materials. 

Recommended materials for your indoor wall trellis include:

  • Wood–most common and provides a classic look.
  • Strong synthetics or plastic–easier to clean, typically lighter weight.
  • Fishing wire or heavy string–the lightest weight, but also offer less support.
  • Wrought iron or other metal–the heaviest, most supportive material, but also could leave marks or stains on your apartment wall.

When considering your trellis materials, consider the amount of support you need and what your apartment can handle.

Also, you’ll want to decide if you wish to build your own indoor wall trellis or purchase one pre-made.

wood Indoor apartment trellis

Build Your Own VS Buy Pre-Made

There are pros to both options. An obvious pro for choosing a pre-made trellis is that it won’t require a workbench or tools. It should come already put together or putting it together should be very simple.

On the other hand, building your own lets you customize your trellis entirely and, if something goes awry, you can fix it yourself. 

Here are some other things to consider.

Pros of purchasing a pre-made trellis:

  • Construction and installation is far easier and less time-consuming
  • It’s going to be sturdy and balanced
  • Trellises come in all shapes and sizes–some are even customizable to your space
  • It could be less costly than building from scratch

Pros of building a trellis:

  • Completely customizable–you pick the size, materials, and level of support
  • If you are a DIY-warrior, this is a great weekend project
  • Can create your own unique designs

Whether you go pre-made or DIY, you’ll still need to know where to put the darn thing. 

Where to Put Your Trellis

The quick answer of where to put your trellis is “anywhere you want.” But, the more thoughtful indoor gardener knows to consider lighting, the amount of space available, and what types of plants you want to grow on your trellis.

Let’s go over each. 


For plants to grow, they need either sunlight or artificial grow lights. So, in selecting where to put your wall trellis, the first thing you’ll need to do is track how much light that wall gets throughout the day. This is vital since it will also help you determine what live plants to place along your trellis.

If you’re choosing to go with grow lights, keep in mind the space and extra support you’ll need for them.

Light trellis

Space Available

The amount of space you have available will help determine the design and size of your trellis. Whether building or buying pre-made, use a measuring tape and record your dimensions.

Types of Plants To Put on Your Trellis

Now for the fun part–selecting which greenery to use for your eco-friendly indoor garden. Maybe you already have some plants in mind. But, just in case, let’s discuss what’s best for an indoor space and apartment.

Vines & Climbers

There is no shortage of vines and climbers you could add to your indoor wall trellis. And, unless you want the wood to show through, you’re going to need plenty of it. You can start with mature plants (maybe you even have some around your home already), or you can grow them over time. 

Some of the most popular potted indoor vines include:

  • Heartleaf philodendron
  • English ivy (or other forms of ivy)
  • Pothos
  • Grapes
  • Jasmine
  • Arrowhead plants
  • Hoya
  • String of pearls
  • Rex begonia

You can choose by the amount of space and resources the vines need or what looks the most amazing.


Besides vines and climbers, herbs can be an excellent addition to your indoor wall trellis. Typically, you’ll want to install or place platforms or holders at the intersections of the framework to hold the small pots your plants will be in.

Again, you have many options, but the best indoor herbs to grow in natural light include rosemary, mint, basil, parsley, thyme, chives, and oregano. And with grow lights, you can choose basically anything you want.

Vegetables & Fruits

Grapevines crisscrossing in and out of a trellis is an iconic look. But, growing grapes indoors can be tricky. Some grape varieties like the “Black Hamburgh” or “Muscat of Alexandria” do well indoors. Other types are known for doing well in pots. 

Suitable potted grape varieties include:

  • Early Muscat
  • Canadice
  • Seyval
  • Swenson Red
  • Interlaken

However, no matter the variety, grapevines grow best in warmer temperatures and full sun. So, while the look of grapevines might be fantastic to pull off, it just might not be a good fit for everyone.

For planting other fruits and vegetables along your trellis, consider what works indoors and what doesn’t. Also, keep in mind that they’ll add extra weight as these plants grow. If you are in more of a vegetable mood, check out growing beans in your apartment.


Flowers add pops of color and won’t add a lot of weight. However, consider temperature and available light when choosing.

Succulents & Air Plants

Succulents and air plants notoriously grow well indoors. They require fewer resources, are easier to maintain, and are typically lighter than other plants. Populating your trellis with them works very well.

Fake Plants and Vines

If your trellis is more about design and adding color to your apartment, consider adding fake plants or vines instead of real ones. Besides occasional dusting, they require no maintenance, no watering, and there is virtually no risk of your trellis collapsing from their weight. You could even mix live plants with faux ones to balance it out.

Deciding on what to use for your indoor wall trellis should be fun, and you can always change your mind later if something isn’t working or you just want to change things up.

Upkeep and Maintenance

Just like all the potted plants around your home or in your gardens outside, live plants require care and maintenance. You may need to prune, pluck, harvest, or completely replace some of your plants from time to time. So, be sure to make all areas of your trellis accessible and even consider going with reusable planting pots.

When maintaining your indoor wall trellis, check the supports from time to time to ensure you won’t come home to a mess of wet soil and dead plants.

Incorporating an indoor wall trellis into your apartment is a great way to increase green space and environmentally friendly apartment décor in your life.

It’s also just fun.